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Customer Payments By Check
Collected at the Agent's Office

Customer Checks
If a customer brings a check to the Agency:
The Customer's Check Information is submitted to APFC for electronic processing from the Customer's Bank Account.  The Check is NOT MAILED to APFC

The Agency must be Registered and then Login to our website.  On your Agency Page, you will find a button named:
"Payment By Customer Check" .  Click that button and complete the form using the Customer's Check Information.

Payments collected at the agent's office are not payments to APFC.  We must receive a payment in our office and post that payment to the appropriate account, for such a payment to be considered received by APFC.  Agents who collect payments should not mail those payments to our office.  Payments should be remitted to APFC using the Customer Payments Collected By Agency submission form.

If not already Registered to Login, you can Register and create your password here.  REGISTER NOW

Login to submit Customer Check